"Does this trolley go to Tahiti?" Arthur arrives at Van Horn Trading Post, where he steals a horse to return to Shady Belle. Or do you think he dies at the end of RDR2… He also has a scar near his chin, which is visible when his facial hair is around level 2 and 3. Spoilers ahead for Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2.. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the story of outlaw Arthur Morgan until it’s not. The man who runs the auction recognizes the sheep and says if they pay him twenty-five percent of all profits, he will keep his mouth shut. One of the most notable displays of Arthur's physical dominance comes during the infamous Valentine bar brawl. In 1874, when Arthur was 11 years old, his father was arrested for larceny. He isn’t above joking or employing sarcasm with his friends. In mimicking Doc Holliday's grandeur and tragic death, while also finding his own sense of meaning, Arthur Morgan has become an icon in his own right, depicting the potential of personal transcendence in a time of utter despair. The untimely death of Red Dead Redemption's 2's Arthur Morgan mirrors the real life tragedy of one of most famous gunslingers of the American West. Mount He spots John working field detail and the guard opens fire, forcing them to leave. Not long after, Lenny approaches Arthur and tells him that after talking to some of the black community in Rhodes, he has learned that the Lemoyne Raiders have a large store of military-grade weapons stockpiled. They save three men from execution, before engaging and defeating the soldiers. However, he justifies his own actions as being different from most criminals, as the Van der Linde gang carries a philosophy that Arthur genuinely believed could help people. Dutch and Arthur rescue them, before fighting their way out of the town back to camp. The news shakes Arthur to his core and ultimately causes him to change and become a better man. Red Dead Redemption has come a long way. Like other protagonists in the Red Dead series, Arthur can use the trademark Dead Eye ability to slow time to a crawl and carefully pick out shots to cripple or kill his enemies. Cornwall refuses, and Dutch shoots him in the chest, killing him. Here, in a matter of minutes, he rescues Bill and Javier, knocks out three opponents in succession, and single-handedly defeats the colossal Tommy (reputedly the town's toughest resident) by nearly beating him to death, even after being defenestrated. He learns that Sean MacGuire is alive, and they make plans to rescue him. At Penelope's request, Arthur takes Beau away to save him from his cousins. At some point, Lyle was killed and Arthur witnessed it, donning his hat afterwards.Around 1877, Arthur was picked up by Dutch van der Linde and Hosea Matthews. Disgusted by this, Arthur demands that Monroe show him where the shipment is traveling. They then set out fighting their way to the ship in earnest, when they find Fussar has occupied the final tower with a machine gun. During his time in Guarma, Arthur will have a sunburn around his face and will appear to be around average weight with his hair grown longer. Dutch talks to him, and they agree that they will aid him in finding his assistant who has gone missing. As they leave, however, a pipe bursts, which incapacitates Arthur. The standoff ends when Arthur kicks the ship captain his rifle, and he kills Simon by shooting him in the chest. After getting back to camp, Arthur claims a Bolt Action Rifle from the stash as his own and says they will sell the rest to get some more cash for the camp. Regarding Arthur's general attitude, he is stoic and humble, and never feels a need to prove himself to other members of the gang. However, with the use of glitches, finishing said side missions with Arthur results in appropriate dialogue (for example, the mission giving NPC will not mention John, despite the fact Arthur was never technically supposed to complete these missions). On their way back to Colter, they come across an O'Driscoll that they previously saw being reprimanded by Colm. (edited by Rodog Alpha) They interrogate one of the bounty hunters, who reveals that Trelawny is being held at a nearby farmhouse. He bites the young man's leg and throws him into the water. Even when afflicted with advanced tuberculosis, and near death, Arthur is still able to hold his own against Micah, leaving him with a severe beating or, if Arthur's honor is high, blinded in one eye. After Arthur helps him up, the two manage to fight their way through the train and slay most of the guards, before the rest of the gang arrives and finishes off the remaining few. Arthur demonstrates an enormous capacity to acquire wealth and material for the Van der Linde gang through hunting, scavenging, fishing, crafting, gambling, robbing, looting, loan collecting, and various other means. Dutch tells him that they plan on trapping the soldiers in the canyon to tar and feather them. Following the fight, the remaining Cowboys retaliated, severely wounding Virgil Earp and killing Morgan Earp, Wyatt's other brother. The three men find him in the swamp, bring him to the boat, and start rowing back to Lagras. The gang attempts to hold them off at the road, but are forced to retreat inside the plantation house. Arthur can partake various relationships throughout his life as an outlaw especially within the Van der Linde gang or outside of it. After a lengthy brawl, in which both men sustain numerous physical injuries, Arthur manages to pistol-whip Micah across the face with one of his revolvers after being pinned against a wall, but loses his grip on it. This is exactly when the famous gunslinger John Henry "Doc" Holliday died in real life, who also had tuberculosis. In the confusion, Arthur collects keys from a dead soldier's corpse and uses them to unlock the shackles. He then goes looking for Sean, who was supposed to have been dealing with the baggage car, only for him to have gone. As the group tries to escape on the roof, Lenny is gunned down by Pinkertons, and Arthur pauses a moment to mourn his fallen friend. The only person who's criticisms seem to affect Arthur are from Mary Linton, his former lover. Arthur’s Honor can affect his overall personality as a whole; with high honor, Arthur can be seen as a selfless person who will think of others and more practically about situations, such as when he realized that the gang was fighting for an idea that didn't work anymore, and how he realized that the women and Jack would surely die if he didn’t help them leave the gang. Arthur and Beau ride up to the carriage where the protesters will be riding in, and when they are unsuccessful in convincing her to leave, Arthur is tasked with driving the carriage to protect her. The two attack the manor, and after eliminating the Lemoyne Raiders there, take the coach and drive it away. After the thaw comes in, the gang leaves the mountains for a new location in The Heartlands, near the town of Valentine. Susan also sides with Arthur, and threatens Micah with a shotgun. After many shots, the warship falls, and they begin planning on making their escape off the island. After the O'Driscolls are dealt with, Dutch and Sadie return to Beaver Hollow, followed by Arthur. Unfortunately for them, the stagecoach turns out to be owned by Cornwall, who has hired a small army of private mercenaries to protect the stagecoach. Arthur walks into camp, and announces that Micah is the traitor, which results in Micah and Arthur drawing on each other. Depending on his birthday he could be 35 or 37. A healthy Arthur will retain his stocky appearance. They go to Van Horn Trading Post and set up an ambush: Bill plays drunk in the middle of the road and Arthur positions himself afar so that he may act as a sniper. Hosea thanks Arthur for saving his life and gives him a map of Legendary Animals. Arthur goes to the saloon in Valentine, where he meets Javier, Charles, and later Bill. This uncomfortable truth comes across no more clearly than with Arthur Morgan whose tragic fate mirrors that of an iconic outlaw. In exchange, he will ferry the gang to Bronte's mansion. No matter which option is chosen, Tilly will not be disturbed by the Foreman brothers ever again. A young Arthur (right) with Hosea Matthews and Dutch van der Linde. Afterward, Arthur rides to Downes Ranch, to get the money from Edith Downes that her husband owed. After fighting to the warehouse doors, Dutch and Arthur enter, and take the government bonds. Arthur blows down the tower, killing Fussar and allowing the gang to depart the island at last. Hosea, meanwhile, says the plan is foolhardy, and will only endanger them. Roger Clark The gang's ledger serves as ample testimony to Arthur’s resourcefulness, as he can prove able and willing to produce far greater quantities of money, food, medicine, herbs, pelts, stolen items, contraband, and other goods for the gang than all other gang members combined. Your profile will not be exact to mine but will have numbers like mine. Immediately afterwards, more soldiers arrive, while Dutch leaves Arthur to die. Years after Arthur’s death, Mary is seen visiting his grave, mourning his loss, as well as an eagle or a coyote, depending on his honor. After losing all of his money to Arthur, Blythe offers one final bet, in which he uses his Reutlinger pocket watch as credit. Furthermore, Arthur's temperament is another key asset. He throws money at Strauss' feet and orders him to leave, which Strauss does. Just before he can be killed by the soldiers, however, Eagle Flies appears and kills the soldiers in rapid succession, only to be fatally shot in the abdomen by Colonel Favours himself. The two can either part ways or go back to camp together. His time riding with the gang has taught him how to live on the fringes of society. Later, Arthur is contacted by Mary, who asks him to meet her in Saint Denis. With this mod, his default face will be covered in paint resembling the batman villain, The Joker! He then rides after the wagon carrying the vaccines and steals them back. Suddenly, Abigail shoots Milton in the temple with Sadie’s revolver, killing him and saving Arthur. Arthur then gets into the poker game with Desmond Blythe and some others on the boat, and with Strauss's help in cheating, Arthur wins. Sheriff Gray exits his office holding Bill hostage, but is immediately shot and killed by Arthur, before deputies are then gunned down by Arthur and Micah. In the end, one of Arthur’s last objectives was to protect John Marston’s family, and to secure Dutch’s hidden money for them in order to hopefully build a better life for themselves, making all the suffering that the gang had gone through worth something in the end. At the river, Arthur tells Dutch to take Javier while he holds the bank. This endeavor almost costs them their lives, as they are almost struck by the train. According to Agent Milton, Arthur has amassed a $5,000 bounty with the US Government, which is equivalent to roughly $150,000 in today’s currency. He insists that he told them nothing, and they bring him back to camp safely. He was taken under Dutch's wing at a young age and serves as his right-hand man and lead enforcer. During the rescue attempt, Arthur takes part in the frontal assault along with Trelawny and Javier, while Charles scouts from a distance. The two venture into the field, and hunt down the remaining bounty hunters, before returning to Trelawny. He wound up on Charlotte Balfour’s doorstep broken and bruised, not knowing who he is or how he ended up there. One of the Van der Linde gang’s most prominent members, Arthur is Dutch's strongest, most reliable, and most versatile disciple. They ride to Saint Denis, but the train goes right through the city and so they are forced to go in pursuit of it. Although there is no evidence that he ever received any formal training or education, his journal entries demonstrate a natural talent for writing and art. The two share a friendly conversation, discussing their history both in and outside of the gang, while Charles provides Arthur with some hunting tips. Later on, while at camp, Abigail asks Arthur to take Jack Marston fishing at the Dakota River. Over the course of Read Dead Redemption 2, Arthur does, as the name implies, find redemption, and comes to see the inherent beauty of the world, but his heroic journey costs him his life. During the meeting, Leviticus Cornwall and his hired guns capture Strauss and John. The gang and Hercule shoot at them from above, until they reach the fort. Holliday avoided capture, however, and died only a few years later from his tuberculosis, just like Red Dead Redemption 2's Arthur Morgan did. Additionally, if Arthur had high honor, the writing on his tombstone will be “Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness”, whereas if Arthur had low honor, his tombstone will instead say “Blessed Are Those Who Mourn For They Will Be Comforted”. Abigail reluctantly accepts this and thanks them for what they are doing, before Arthur and Sadie sail and dock along the islands shore. Arthur and John then go to the nearby saloon, where they meet Strauss and Dutch. The two track his trail to a small camp, where they discover some of his belongings. He can … Biography Dutch also raised Arthur to believe that revenge is a fruitless endeavor. After releasing Eagle Flies, they blow a hole in the back wall and run to canoes lying along the river. Mary was, however, unaware that Arthur was terminally ill with Tuberculosis and that he would die soon. She then reveals that her sons gave him to Angelo Bronte, an Italian crime lord living in Saint Denis, before running into her burning home as the gang leaves her. Charles deals with the engineer, John goes down the train with a bag for the loot, and Arthur provides some encouragement for those not so willing to give. Arthur remembered fondly of Isaac as a 'good kid' and once took him fishing. Arthur Morgan it's a central characters and it's the main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2. After retrieving the brooch, Arthur gives it to Mary and asks where her father went, to which Mary responds by saying that she doesn’t know and no longer cares. Occupation Arthur says to Micah that they need to leave immediately, but Micah refuses, saying he has something he has to do. Luckily for him, the German family who he had helped earlier that year find him and take him to Annesburg, where Arthur regains consciousness. When they reach the reservation, Eagle Flies succumbs to his wounds, while Arthur says goodbye to Charles, who stays with the Indians to help them escape the Army. No Gameplay Changes Between John & Arthur. Dutch instilled the boys with his anarchist worldviews against a corrupt government and preached that revenge was a fool's game. This leads to him being seen as an imposing and intimidating figure. Bullard is shot and killed by the rival gang, and the balloon crashes. The two then forcibly storm the hollow and clear out all the enemies. Charles causes a distraction, allowing the rest of the gang to reach the dock. Recognizing it as a family heirloom from her mother, Mary confronts him about it while Arthur chases Ashton to get the brooch back. Afterwards, John tells Arthur that he is afraid for his family due to Dutch's descent into madness. Confused at what Arthur is doing, Strauss protests, but Arthur ignores his attempts at reconciliation. Dutch tells Arthur to come over and tells him that the two of them, as well as Lenny, are going to rob the Saint Denis trolley station after getting a tip from Angelo Bronte. Karen pretends to be either a lost girl or a harlot, and after confusing the guard, knocks him out. How to give Arthur's Money to John after Epilogue in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). His mother died when he was very young, and his father was a petty criminal and outlaw, who was arrested for larceny in 1874 when Arthur was 11 years old. Additionally, Arthur can also go rustling with Uncle. Why Did Arthur Still Believe Dutch Even at His End? Dutch instructs Arthur to use dynamite to blow a hole through the side of the bank in order to create a path of escape. They come across a safehouse and rescue Tilly, before setting off to find Anthony Foreman, the leader. He often displays a working knowledge of - or quick ability to learn - how to operate machinery or transportation, including steam locomotives. He insists that he is seen to be silenced, the gang joins Arthur on the safes to blow hole. On shocked, Susan puts an end to her mother, Mary says goodbye and the RDR2 story the. The policemen on foot after killing Pinkerton attackers kept his complicated, mixed feelings about his past with to! 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